An auto accident even if not fatal, can change your life in a blink of an eye. There can be several causes of a car accident, and it is common to come across people who got hurt despite no fault of their own.
In most cases of child injury, you can get compensation with the help of an experienced Arizona Child Injury Attorney for the damages and injuries suffered by your kid. You need a responsive lawyer who understands your child’s current and future needs.
Drunk driving accidents are often the worst in terms of damage, and this is proved by statistics which show that these accidents account for a significant part of accident-related deaths. All deaths and injuries resulting from drunk driving are 100% preventable.
Dog bites can lead to severe and life-changing injuries which may affect you or a loved one for several years depending on the severity of the bite. Although, in most cases, patients recover from dog bites soon enough and the severe cases are a small proportion of the total number of dog bites incidents.
Elderly are more vulnerable to abuse due to their dependence on others as mental faculties along with physical health decline with aging. Financial abuse is the most common type of elderly abuse which is perpetrated often by the people who are closest to a senior citizen including family members, friends, lawyers, accountants and caregivers.
Wrongful death cases are often bought by family members of the deceased in civil courts and in this way, they differ significantly from homicide cases as in the case of the latter, the state brings a case to the criminal court, and these cases lead to severe criminal penalties and punishments.
Mike H.
Carli W.